論文タイトル Current magnetic resonance imaging-based diagnostic strategies for prostate cancer 著者名 Toru Inoue, Toshitaka Shin 文献 Int J Urol. ページ,発行年月 2023 ;30(12):1078-1086
論文タイトル Involvement of clusterin expression in the refractory response of pancreatic cancer cells to a MEK inhibitor 著者名 Kohei Amada, Naoki Hijiya, Sawa Ikarimoto, Kazuyoshi Yanagihara, Toshikatsu Hanada, Shinya Hidano, Shusaku Kurogi, Yoshiyuki Tsukamoto, Chisato Nakada, Keisuke Kinoshita, Yuka Hirashita, Tomohisa Uchida, Toshitaka Shin, Kazuhiro Yada, Teijiro Hirashita, Takashi Kobayashi, Kazunari Murakami, Masafumi Inomata, Kuniaki Shirao, Masahiro Aoki, Mutsuhiro Takekawa, Masatsugu Moriyama. 文献 Cancer Science ページ,発行年月 Volume114,Issue5 2189-2202 -
論文タイトル A multicenter survey of effects and challenges of an 8K ultra-high-definition endoscopy system compared to existing endoscopy systems for endoscopic surgery. 著者名 Kono Y, Inomata M, Sumi Y, Ohigashi S, Ieiri S, Shin T, Shinohara T, Abe T, Osoegawa A, Fujisawa M, Mori T, Kitagawa Y, Kitano S; Forum of 8K Endoscopy Medical Application Forum. 文献 Asian J Endosc Surg ページ,発行年月 16(1) 50-57
論文タイトル A Rare Case of Hernia Incarceration Under the Closed Port-Site Fascia After Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy: Insights and Management Strategies 著者名 ShinroHata,ShunsukeNakashima,MayukaShinohara,ToshitakaShin,HiromitsuMimata. 文献 Cureus ページ,発行年月 15(2) e34915. -
論文タイトル Pitfalls in the diagnosis and treatment of a hypertensive patient with unilateral primary aldosteronism and contralateral pheochromocytoma: a case report 著者名 ShotaroMiyamoto,Yuichi Yoshida,YoshinoriOzeki, MitsuhiroOkamoto,KoroGotoh,TakayukiMasaki, HarutoNishida,Hiroyuki Fujinami,ToshitakaShin, TsutomuDaa,Yoshiki Asayama,HirotakaShibata 文献 BMC Endocr Disord ページ,発行年月 23(1) 44, -
論文タイトル A case of adrenal myelolipoma complicated with Prader-Willi Syndrome. 著者名 Toru Inoue,Masahiro Todaka,Yuichiro Nakazono,Yoko Fukata,Toshitaka Shin. 文献 IJU Case Rep. ページ,発行年月 6 (4):235-238 -
論文タイトル External iliac arterial dissection after robot-assisted radical cystectomy with an intracorporeal ileal conduit and extended pelvic lymph node dissection 著者名 Syunsuke Nakashima, Shinro Hata, Mayuka Shinohara, Tadasuke Ando, Toshitaka Shin, Hiromitsu Mimata 文献 IJU Case Rep. ページ,発行年月 6 (6): 468-470